#7daydestash Challenge: Day Six

[Day One] [Day Two] [Day Three] [Day Four] [Day Five] [Day Six] [Day Seven]

Day Five: Doesn’t Match

I received these cute little tape dispensers as a gift but… I don’t think I’ll ever use them! There’s nothing wrong with them, it’s just that I’m not really a big Disney fan, so they won’t really match with any of my planner spreads.

Continue reading “#7daydestash Challenge: Day Six”

My Washi Organization System

Hello, planner friends! This week for Washi Wednesday, I decided to do something a little different! Instead of choosing a couple rolls of washi to showcase, I finally decided to show off my entire collection! I had been wanting to share my washi collection with you all for a while, but I was too embarrassed! Before, I used to store my washi in the tubes that they came in or I would toss them into the chaotic washi abyss… aka in an old cardboard box from Amazon. Hey, as embarrassing as it is, it worked, and it was cheap, okay? 🙈😂 Continue reading “My Washi Organization System”

Washi Wednesday [6.28.17]

I tried to pick out washi that matched with my pastel unicorns theme for this week, but I realized… I don’t have enough pastel washi tape! How could this be?! Oh well… guess that means I just have to go shopping for more washi… 😉

So, I just picked two cute washi tapes that are light and pastel-colored, even if they don’t necessarily match with my planner spread. And without further ado, here is my picture for washi wednesday! Continue reading “Washi Wednesday [6.28.17]”

Washi Wednesday [6.14.17]

It’s my favorite day of the week again! Washi Wednesday! 🎉 My weekly spread in my planner was my inspiration for this week’s Washi Wednesday. As usual, my planner’s spread this week features pastel colors. But it also features… pineapples! 🍍 And I included the gold foiling because why not. Everybody loves gold foil washi! 💖 Continue reading “Washi Wednesday [6.14.17]”

Washi Wednesday [6.7.17]

This week for Washi Wednesday, I tried to pick out washi tape that matched with my Lisa Frank theme in my planner. In a perfect world, I would use real Lisa Frank washi tape, but I don’t think it even exists. Which is a tragedy. 😭 I would buy so many rolls of that washi… So anyways, I did the best I could with bold colors and rainbows… and thought I’d have a little fun and throw some glittery poop emoji washi in there, too! 💩 Continue reading “Washi Wednesday [6.7.17]”

Washi Wednesday [5.31.17]

I’m just in love with this week’s theme, and everything that goes along with it. Isn’t this washi tape just dreamy? 😍💕

I got the top two and the popsicle washi tape at Hobby Lobby, I got the polka-dot washi tape from a planner swap, and the remaining two gold foil washi tapes I got from washi tubes at Michael’s. Continue reading “Washi Wednesday [5.31.17]”

Washi Wednesday [5.24.17]

Happy #washiwednesday, everyone! As I’m putting the finishing touches on the free printable for this week, I thought I would use Washi Wednesday as an opportunity to foreshadow the printable’s theme… Continue reading “Washi Wednesday [5.24.17]”

Washi Wednesday: Neko Atsume Tsum Tsum Edition!

Happy Washi Wednesday, everyone! Wednesdays used to be my most dreaded day of the week. I  don’t know why, but something about the middle of the week just seemed so awful. Like, “you’re halfway there but you still have 2 days to go!” Maybe that sounds motivational, but it certainly didn’t feel motivational… Continue reading “Washi Wednesday: Neko Atsume Tsum Tsum Edition!”